Directed by Boris Benjamin Bertram and Carol Kamya
Produced by Dead People's Choice Film & Ivad Production
“Chips and Liver Girls” is a film about modern love, sex and sugar daddys in the capital of Uganda, Kampala. A typical “Chips and Liver Girl” navigates between girls friends, boy friends and older men, that helps her with money so she can study and have a luxurious life.
The everyday life for the young women in Kampala is an intens struggle for keeping up with with the race about wealth and prestige. The film is exploring the phenomena “transactional sex”, that comes from the subtle exchange of sexual and economical performance between men and women.
The film was created in DOX:LAB, a annual international talent development program in connection with CPH:DOX for young film makers from all over the world. Twelve filmmakers from developing countries was one by one teamed up with twelve film makers from the nordic countries. That is how the danish director of the movie matched with Caroline Kamya from Uganda.