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Directed by Boris Benjamin Bertram and Rasmus Dinesen

Produced by Ole Tornbjerg | Easy Film


The humanitarian disaster in Sudan's Darfur region, despite great international attention is still widespread and destructive. There has not yet been deployed peacekeepers in the area,and it costs each month up to 7000 lives.


UN Security Headquarters in New York are working hard to get to a resolution, to ensure peace in the Darfur region. But it is not as easy as one would think.


The diplomatic game is complicated and slow, and there are many countries that must agree. The film gives a unique glimpse behind the scenes of the UN sanctum, and we follow three representatives from the Danish UN mission, including UN Ambassador Ellen Margrethe Løj, in the thrilling month, Denmark is allowed to sit at the negotiating table with among others Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

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