Directed by Boris Benjamin Bertram
“Tankograd” follows a dance company in one of the worlds most radioactive and polluted cities, Chelyabinsk, that doing the Cold War were one of the the secret cities of the USSR, and helped developing the first atom bombs of the Sovjetunionen. In the daytime the dancers are living their dreams through modern dancing. In the night they survive by transforming into gogo dancers in the nightclub The Black Hole, which is owned by the mafia.
In the film we follows the two young dancers Vova and Masha, who are stock in a city where the average age of living is 51 years. Very symbolic we follow the staging of the show “heavenly bodies” that is about loosing the gravity as a human. The film is something as unusual as a documentary dance- environmentfilm, that draws a close portrait of a dance company og shows the cracks into the 20. century biggest environmental disaster.
The music of the film is composed by the danish Ghost Society.